Faculty Details

Mr. V Subramanian

Mr. V Subramanian

Chief Executive/Director, Carpi India Waterproofing Specialists Pvt. Ltd

Vinayagam Subramanian is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering & Post Graduate in Marketing Management. Having put up more than 30 years services in the area of manufacturing, design, sales & service, taken up consultancy service in engineering & Marketing. He has more than 25 years’ experience in Project Management in Power Sector, particularly in Hydro Electric Power Projects (HEPP). He is associated with CARPI since 2004 and has successfully executed 1st PVC Geomembrane Project in India. KADAMPARAI DAM covering an upstream area of >17,000 Sq.meter completed in 18 weeks, followed by a Power Channel of an area of >24,000 Sq.meter executed within 6 weeks in Northern India. Other success projects include the Servalar Dam and Upper Bhavani Dam, all rehabilitated with state of the art Geomembrane waterproofing system. Presently he is the Chief Executive/Director of M/s.CARPI INDIA Waterproofing Specialists Pvt. Ltd.